The Internet Reacts to the Black Hole with Hilarious Memes and Amazing Fan Art

The Internet Reacts to the Black Hole with Hilarious Memes and Amazing Fan Art

April 11, 2019 Off By JJ

On April 10, 2019, images of a black hole found in the Galaxy M87 was shared to the general public thanks to a team of Astronomers from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Project. This groundbreaking discovery has not only revealed the appearance of what a black hole actually looks like, but it has also led to more questions that will be answered in further studies.

Of course, this is the internet. The internet in general has a rather different reaction towards the scientific breakthrough with some hilarious and clever memes that will make you laugh.

All images and tweets belong to their respective owners and posters.

Online personality and game reviewer Jim Sterling chimes in with the M87 Blackhole with some Dark Souls related humor
Mark Doherty compares the image of the Black Hole with a “Red Ring of Death” – a warning indicator that shows a general hardware failure on an Xbox 360 game console
Even PAYDAY wants to steal the show
OwO what’s this?
The Division 2

Even Chinese netizens are welcoming the Black hole to the internet with their own memes:

context: costs of living in china are rather high, and this Chinese netizen expresses it

Aside from hilarious memes, there’s also some fanart as well in dedication to the Black Hole

artwork by: unkomoreso720
Artwork by: iesupa
artwork by: Accel Art
artwork by: kuramachan
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